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Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:12 pm
by Vetteguy22
I took a drive out to the hwy 89A around 4:30 and the road way perfectly clear. No more rain or snow since so still hoping for tomorrow.

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:03 am
by Vetteguy22
It’s 9:00 here and it did not rain or snow last night. Any updates on this run?

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:22 am
by theAngryMarmot
A few of us here waiting. Still on. Weather here is gorgeous.

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:29 am
by Vetteguy22
Are you guys going to Baghdad. Since I’m in Prescott I was going to meet you there.

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:39 am
by Vetteguy22
Can you give me a call and let me know where you guys are heading?

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:30 pm
by Vetteguy22
My wife and I had a great time today. It was nice to meet everyone.
My wife felt bad having to go outside early but it was to noisy inside for her.
We had a really fun time driving home. We took it easy getting there since we were concerned about possible ice on the roads. Since there was none on the way we were able to step it up on the way home. Always a fun drive.
Thanks for setting this up.

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 5:00 pm
by theAngryMarmot
Great time, weather was perfect, and no traffic on the fun bits.

All you who chickened out in fear of the weather really missed out!

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 11:38 pm
by Turboman280
I was a bit worried about the roads, but there were absolutely no issues as far as weather goes. Beautiful day, good food, and good company.

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:32 am
by Randalla
So glad that those of you who came out had such a great time and there were no incidents. Its too bad the weather threat kept so many away.

Re: To Baghdad and Back

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:08 am
by Vetteguy22
Thanks for your time and efforts putting this run together. So sad you weren’t able to make it. Hope your back gets better soon.